What Are the Different Types of Solar Panels That Exist Today?
Installing solar panels could save you anywhere between $10,000 to $30,000 over a lifetime. That is a lot of money that you can put towards the finer things in life.
They are a great environmentally-friendly energy option. This is because they don’t release any harmful emissions. They also don’t need the burning of fossil fuels.
This quick guide will take you through the types of solar panels, as well as their benefits. It will also discuss their materials and which are the most cost-effective.
Monocrystalline Panels
Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient and high-performing panels on the market. They are between 15 to 20% efficient. This means that they are able to produce more electricity per square foot. They are very space-efficient.
These panels get manufactured from silicon wafer cells. These form into lines creating a rectangular shape. These are then covered with a glass sheet and a frame holds them together
Monocrystalline panels get formed with a single pure silicon crystal. This gives it a higher efficiency than Polycrystalline. They can also perform well in hot temperatures, as the pure silicon is less affected by heat.
Monocrystalline panels tend to have a higher price point due to the materials used. But, due to their minimum life span being of over 25 years, it is a solid long-term investment.
Check out this site to find out more about investing in solar panels from the best solar company.
Polycrystalline Panels
Polycrystalline panels are a lower-cost alternative to Monocrystalline. But they are also lower in performance and efficiency.
They use the same silicon wafers as the Monocrystalline. But the wafers get formed from fragments of different silicon crystals merged together.
Polycrystalline panels do not perform as well in hot climates. In fact, heat can even shorten the panels’ lifespan. So these are better suited to temperate climates.
Thin-Film Panels
The main advantage of thin-film panels is their flexible nature. These panels are ideal for surfaces that are uneven or shaped in an unconventional way.
Thin-film panels have lower efficiency and performance than Monocrystalline. But, they are more resilient due to the three different materials they’re available. These are:
- Cadmium Telluride
- Amorphous Silicon
- Copper Indium Gallium Selenide
All thin-film models are around 350 times thinner than Mono or Polycrystalline panels. They are also lightweight which makes them easier to mount and portable.
Thin-film panels are not affected a lot by high temperatures. So they are better suited than other panels for desert or tropical climates. They are also great for people looking to live off-grid or living in mobile homes.
Discover the Different Types of Solar Panels!
Choosing to install solar panels is a great idea for environmentally conscious homeownership. Now you know the difference between the types of solar panels available. You can make an informed decision about what is right for you!
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